A new version of Merge Cells Wizard, a time-saving plugin for merging cells in Excel, is released
Released on = November 30, 2006, 3:04 am
Press Release Author = Afalina Software, Ltd.
Industry = Software
Press Release Summary = Merge Excel cells preserving all data, join by rows or columns.
Press Release Body = Add-in Express Ltd. announces the release of a new version of the Merge Cells Wizard, a handy add-in for Microsoft Excel that merges values of cells. This add-in work with Excel 2003, 2002 and 2000.
Those who work with Microsoft Excel on a regular basis know that merging cells data is a frequently required operation. But whenever data from several cells need to be merged into one cell, the following error message pops up: \"The selection contains multiple data values. Merging into one cell will keep the upper-left most data only.\"
The Merge Cells Wizard easily solves this problem by preserving all data in the multiple data values selection. From now on, no data in Microsoft Excel will ever be lost!
The Merge Cells Wizard for Microsoft Excel empowers users to merge the values of selected Excel cells into one cell using any separator, including the carriage return (line break); merge the selected Excel cells row by row or column by column; clear the cells whose values have been merged; merge all areas in the selection and more.
Furthermore, the improvements in the user interface make the work with this time-saving add-in more comfortable and pleasant than ever before. The extended help file gives detailed step-by-step instructions to give you hands on training with the new time saving features.
Supports Excel 2003, 2002 and 2000.
Web Site = http://www.ablebits.com/excel-merge-cells-columns-rows-addins/index.php?r1
Contact Details = Address: 149, Barykina st., Gomel Belarus
Phone Number: +375 291 944101 Email: info@ablebits.com
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